La Playa! |
Five weeks have flown by here in Oaxaca. Week five wrapped up our first chunk at Solexico and sent us all off the the beach to start of our Spring Break!
On Monday, Solexico was closed due to Constitution Day, so we all spent our morning at Oliver's learning lots for three hours. We all returned to Solexico for some of our final days at the language school. On Thursday, everyone had another Spanish Exam, and of course we all passed and then on Friday, Norma (one of the teacher's at Solexico) brought us all to a little market where some of us found food that reminded us of home; huge plates of pasta, flatbread, curry...it was great! We are all finished up at Solexico now for a few weeks. We all return for one final week later on, but the week varies due to track work coming up. We all hope we don't forget everything we have learned before our final exam that week!

After our market adventure on Friday, we sent it to Puerto Escondido! We all split up between two vans, one leaving at 1pm, the other at 2pm. It was a 7 hour trip filled with lots of turns and Dramamine. Along the way, the driver picked up a new person in every pueblo to give them a lift to where ever they needed to go along the way; it was an experience. After the 7 hour voyage, we all made it safe and sound and checked into our hotels excited to soak up the rays on Saturday.
The pool at one of the hotels some of us are staying at. |
We are all enjoying our little break down here in Puerto Escondido. It is refreshing to get out of the city for a while and being here has also made us all appreciate the fact that the city really isn't all that hot and humid. Most of us return to the city on Wednesday some time. Until then, we will continue to reapply sunscreen.
We are all already so excited for next Sunday when we get to embark on our week long village stays!
Hasta Luego!
Gabby & Kristi